The HUSTLE + hush Story
What if we could be our brilliant, HUSTLING selves while not feeling like we were constantly striving and exhausted?
That was the question our founder Tee asked herself , six years ago when she founded the business.
In the spring of 2016, she’d made the decision to leave her full time role and start her own company.
But she was stuck on a name:
“HUSTLE has long been a word that resonated with me. It can get a bad wrap, but in my mind, HUSTLE means leaning into high, positive energy and activity, the DOING. An essence that stood me in good stead through school, university and my early working life in Auckland, Amsterdam and London.
But HUSTLE in isolation didn't feel right anymore.
In this new venture, I wanted to explore a counter energy to sit alongside the HUSTLE, something to balance that high, go-go-go energy. Still positive, but one that allowed me and YOU to rest, recharge and reflect. One that gave us permission to BE.”
Sitting on her office floor, Tee googled antonyms for HUSTLE - and came across peace.
“I instantly connected with this invitation for a sense of peace in my future path - not just for me, but for the individuals, teams and companies I worked with.”
It wasn’t long until the obvious leap was made from peace to hush.
Two words that look and sound so similar.
But are distinctly different.
“Our company name HUSTLE + hush represents my belief that we need both HUSTLE and hush (in our own unique, dynamic ratio) to be our most brilliant, authentic, wonderful selves.”
We recently worked with the brilliant Meg from Lemon & Birch to bring all of this backstory to life in our new, beautiful branding.
You might have spotted a Venn diagram sitting in the heart of our logo.
This represents both the hush and the HUSTLE energy and the space within us that exists in the intersection between the two.
The Venn diagram also represents our many parts, the light and shadow sides of ourselves and is in keeping with one of our favourite Brene Brown quotes:
“Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”
The sun rays represent our ability to shine, when we’re able to hold the HUSTLE and the hush in balance, when we’re able to be present with the full continuum of who we are.
There’s also a half circle within the logo, which is our visual nod to a container. Container is “coach speak” for the space we co-create with you, our clients, to support you in accessing, aligning with and activating your authentic inner leader.
The idea that you are seen and held by us, your HUSTLE + hush coaching team.
You can also spot this container underneath the U in the typography of HUSTLE + hush, representing the way we hold “U” in your HUSTLE and your hush energies.