Are you ready to set yourself up for the next 12 months with a focus that feels clear and achievable?
Download the RECAP + ROADMAP Workbook and you could:
Take stock of your last 12 months with a host of helpful reflection prompts
Capture an accurate snapshot of where you currently stand in key areas of your life
Develop a dynamic vision for the year, that you’re excited to check-in with
Build out a personalised roadmap, getting clarity on your key focus areas
For £25, you can download the RECAP + ROADMAP 77-page PDF workbook and get started on:
Processing the past 12 months, highlighting your challenges, recognising your learnings + celebrating your achievements
Visually pinpointing where you are right now across the following areas; Core Career, Side Hustle + Hobbies, Impact + Contribution, Growth + Learning, Love Life, Close Friends + Family, Network, Wealth, Health + Wellbeing and Space
Making space for visualising your year ahead and get clarity for the key areas you’ll focus on
Creating a robust roadmap with clear, actionable goals
A GIFT FOR YOU - FREE 'Letter to my Past Self' Worksheet & 20% off the RECAP + ROADMAP Workbook
Start the process of recapping the past 12 months now – sign-up below to download your FREE ‘Letter to My Past Self’ worksheet now and write a letter to the you of 12-months ago… you’ll be amazed at what comes out of this wonderful process, including a 20% off discount code for when you’re ready to download the full RECAP + ROADMAP Workbook. Enjoy!
Sound Familiar? Do you find yourself:
Carrying around a number of ambitions that never seem to eventuate
Feeling the pressure in January to set unrealistic resolutions that don’t resonate with you
Getting to December and wondering what happened
Looking on enviously at others who are doing the things they said they would
Avoiding setting goals, to avoid the disappointment of not achieving them
You may currently be:
Reeling from the upheaval and uncertainty of the past few years
Craving achievement and a sense of control over your life going forward
Feeling disappointed that your plans for this year haven’t eventuated
Set adrift by circumstances outside your control, such as furlough or redundancy
What others have said - imagining a vision for the year ahead and setting goals that are both clear and exciting :
What immediate impact has the RECAP + ROADMAP process had on other leaders?
“As someone who has made copious vague new year resolutions for years, the RECAP + ROADMAP process was an invaluable experience. The first thing it helped me to do was actually pause and recognise my achievements to date. It was reassuring and exciting to see the areas in my life that I was happy with. Next, it helped me prioritise, focus and break down key areas that I wanted to improve. I now have a clearer course of action for achieving these improvements than ever before!”
“I’m a pretty well-read self-help kind of girl and would have thought I was OK at setting goals on my own but working through the RECAP + ROADMAP process allowed me to crystalise my goals and dig deeply into the barriers that I didn’t know were standing in my way. This process has removed the underlying feeling that my goals were not achievable and I am now ridiculously excited about the year ahead. Definitely worth it. ”
“The RECAP + ROADMAP process has given me so much clarity on how to approach my goals in the upcoming year. I highly recommend it for everyone who is looking for hands-on tips on how to actually achieve their goals!”
“It was incredibly beneficial for a stronger understanding of the direction I wanted to go down in, both in career and personal life. Through the RECAP + ROADMAP process, I’ve put a platform in place that has been my compass going forward. It’s given me confidence and reassurance when making both personal and professional decisions.”
UPGRADE: Take your RECAP + ROADMAP process to the next level with a 1:1 coaching session
Purchase the self-directed RECAP + ROADMAP Workbook and book in for a follow-up, one-off session with a HUSTLE + hush Leadership Coach to work through your thinking in greater detail, getting healthy challenge and affirming support.
Coaching sessions cost £250 (inc VAT) for the 60-minute session.
We will be in touch after your purchase to check-in and see whether you’d like to take your RECAP + ROADMAP process to the next level.
Do you have to do this at the start of the year? Are New Year’s Resolutions only for January?
The best bit about the RECAP + ROADMAP process is that you can start it whenever you feel ready. Perhaps the promise of a fresh start and momentum of the new year is what you need to begin. Perhaps you have been struck by inspiration or impatience during your summer holiday and be ready for some September focus. Whenever the need to RECAP + ROADMAP strikes you, this workbook is ready and waiting for you!
What’s the time commitment to use the RECAP + ROADMAP workbook?
There are three parts to the RECAP + ROADMAP process.
The first two (RECAP, ROADMAP) you can do straight away and it is recommended you start your first REVIEW session in three month’s time.
Depending on how in-depth you go into the exercises, the following is a guide: Part 1 RECAP - 45-90 minutes, Part 2 ROADMAP - 120 minutes (so you could aim to allocate a half day on a weekend, or a couple of evenings during the week to complete parts 1 and 2). Part 3 REVIEW - 30-60 minutes, each quarter.
What will I need to use this?
Just you, your computer/phone/tablet (however you choose to access the workbook|), pen and paper to make notes.
What area of my life is this for?
That’s largely up to you! You’ll be reflecting on your world holistically; you may find yourself selecting a focus area from within the following categories to focus on: Core Career - Side Hustle + Hobbies - Impact + Contribution - Growth + Learning - Love Life - Close Friends + Family - Network - Wealth - Health + Wellbeing - Space.
I would like to expense this, can I get a VAT invoice?
Of course, please email us after you purchase the workbook and/or coaching session to let us know who you would like the invoice to be made out to.
Have other questions?